2020-2021 College Catalog 
    Sep 13, 2024  
2020-2021 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Online Learning

Online courses are a great way to work towards a degree, anywhere, anytime. Most students enjoy the convenience of online courses. The online course environment allows you to work on your classes from the comfort of your home, at work, or on the go. Our online courses are taught by experienced instructors, certified to teach online.

Bay College students can complete 100% of their Associate of Arts, Associate of Applied Science, and Business Administration degrees completely online. We have popular courses, such as Spanish, Algebra, Statistics and Calculus, all online! Our Water Resource Management degree has 100% job placement with many courses offered online. Our Associate Degree in Nursing is very popular and has some courses online. We also have a number of online courses that use Open Educational Resources (OER), which give you access to your course materials on the first day of the class for free online!

Mandatory Online Learning Orientation

In order to better prepare you for online learning courses, all new online and hybrid students will be required to complete an orientation course in Blackboard. If you have successfully completed a completely online course at Bay College in the last three years, you are not required to complete this orientation. This course takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and must be completed in order for you to have access to your online courses. As soon as you register as a new online student you will automatically be enrolled in the Online Learning Orientation course in Blackboard. You can complete this course at any time, after you register, and it should be completed far in advance of the beginning of the semester. After you complete this course, it will take 24 hours to log your completion status and give you access to your online courses.

Bay de Noc Community College is committed to implement the Quality Matters™ standards for the design of online and hybrid courses, and we are systematically building and evaluating our courses based on these rigorous, research-based standards. The Quality Matters™ standards assure that the online components of these courses promote learner engagement and provide students with all the tools and information they need to be successful learners. More information regarding Quality Matters™ may be found at www.qmprogram.org.

Online Course Definition:

Course content is delivered 100% online; however, some courses may require students to take tests in a proctored webrecorded or classroom or computer lab setting. 

Proctored Exams for online courses: You will be required to use Respondus Monitor (web-recorded) for proctored exams or go to the testing center at the Escanaba or West campus or an alternate proctored location. Please contact your instructor if you need assistance locating an approved location. There may be a cost associated with the proctoring, which is your responsibility.

Hybrid Course Definition: A portion of the course is face-to-face. The remainder is taught online.

Traditional Course Definition: The traditional course is where the instructor meets face-to-face with the student for all contact hours of the course. However, the student in a traditional course may be required to use the Internet to access online assignments, virtual tours, course documents, learning artifacts, assignment directions, instructor notices/communications and assessments.

Online Learning Student Support 

The Department of Online Learning can help you with online learning issues and they work directly with students and faculty to troubleshoot technical issues related to Blackboard and MyBay.

Online Help
email: onlinehelp@baycollege.edu
Phone: (906) 217-4276