2020-2021 College Catalog 
    Jan 16, 2025  
2020-2021 College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Records & Registration

The Records & Registration Office is available to help students navigate the path to degree completion. 

Declaring Majors

At the time of admission, a student’s record is coded for their chosen major. A student may change their major at any time or add an additional major. Changes may be made by submitting a Change of Major form to Student Services or completing the request in myBay.

Catalog of Record

When students enroll for academic credit at Bay College, their graduation requirements are governed by the catalog in effect at the time of their enrollment. This is known as the Catalog of Record. The Catalog of Record changes when:

  1. A student is not enrolled for one calendar year.
  2. Requirements for the degree or certificate as listed in the catalog are revised and a student wishes to follow the newer catalog. A newer catalog may be requested to the Records & Registration Office, but may not request a previous catalog.
  3. A student changes their major. The catalog in effect when the change is made becomes the student’s Catalog of Record.

Archived catalogs are available online at the college website and myBay or by request from the Records & Registration Office.

Degree/Certificate Progress

Students may track their progress toward degree completion by checking the College website > myBay > Current Students > Academic Advising - Degree Audit Portlet. This will show the student their unofficial degree audit details. Students should work with their Advisors to plan how they will complete their degree or certificate requirements.


Students should work with their Advisors, using their Catalog of Record, as they plan their registration for each term. Tuition and fees are to be paid by the payment due date as posted through Student Accounts. Students will not be permitted to register for classes until all outstanding registration holds and/or financial obligations are met.

Records & Registration Warnings and Holds

Bay College may place a warning message or hold on a student’s record for a variety of reasons. A warning message does not prevent registration but indicate that a student must resolve a concern related to their record. A hold indicates that records cannot be released or a registration cannot be processed until the reason for the hold is resolved.

Types of “holds” include:

  1. Academic Warning/Hold: a warning message or hold may be placed to block registration for failure to maintain the standards outlined in the standards of academic progress.
  2. Financial Hold: a hold may be placed to block registration when the student has failed to resolve a financial obligations to the college.
  3. Library Hold: a hold may be placed to block registration of a student who has failed to return a library resource or who has failed to pay fines or charges owed to the library.
  4. Registration Hold: students must contact the Records & Registration Office to resolve the cause for the hold.
  5. Declare Major Warning: a warning message is placed on records for students who have graduated and are continuing to take classes but have not declared a new major. Students may register for classes, but they cannot be assigned an academic advisor and their financial aid may be affected. Students may request a change of major in myBay or contact the Registrar for assistance.

Adding Classes

During the first week of the Fall and Winter semesters a student can add a class on myBay. Additions during the second week of the semester are only allowed under special circumstances and with the permission of the instructor. Students seeking to be added into a course should meet with the faculty of that course for permission. Limited schedule changes are allowed during the Summer 1 and Summer 2 terms. Refer to posted dates.

Attendance Requirements

All students are expected to attend the classes for which they register. Attendance is considered when determining and disbursing financial aid. Students must attend each course during the first week of the term. If a student does not attend or contacts faculty regarding special circumstances, the student may be dropped from the course for non-attendance.

Traditional and Hybrid Classes: In order to be considered in attendance, a student must submit an academic graded assignment, take a graded exam, or attend a lecture. If they do not, they are reported as a “No Show” and are administratively dropped from the class. This may affect their eligibility for financial aid.

Online Classes: In order to be considered in attendance, before the end of the first week of the term, students must do one of the following: 1) submit an academic graded assignment, 2) take a graded exam or interactive tutorial, 3) attend an assigned study group online, 4) participate in an academic and graded discussion forum, or 5) initiate contact with the instructor to ask questions about the academic subject matter of the course. If they do not, they are reported as a “No Show” and are administratively dropped from the class. This may affect eligibility for financial aid.

Non-registered attendance: Students who attend classes without being properly registered for the class will not receive credit for the course and will be asked to get registered or no longer attend the course.

Dropping and Withdrawing from Classes

If a student cannot complete the semester, they must drop or withdraw from the course or courses of choice. A student may drop or withdraw from a course based on a timeframe and procedures explained below.

Course Length



16 week course
8 week course
6 week course

First two weeks
First week
First four days

Third through Eleventh week
Second through Fifth week
Day five through the Fourth week


Repeated withdrawals may impact eligibility for financial aid. Prior to withdrawing from a course, it is recommended that students speak with the Financial Aid Office regarding how the withdraw may affect their finances.

Drop: Classes that are dropped will be removed from the student’s transcript and the student will receive a refund of class charges.

Withdrawal: If the student withdraws, the student will receive either a WP” (withdrawal pass) or “WF” (withdrawal fail), based on the instructor’s discretion. Students should refer to the class syllabi for the instructor’s policies on assigning the withdrawal status. The “WP” or “WF” will appear on their transcript.

Students who stop attending classes and do not properly withdraw will receive an “F” for the class. This may affect future eligibility for financial aid. This will also result in being liable for course charges. Students who register late are still held to the dates, deadlines, and procedures listed in the withdrawal policy.

Procedure: Students are responsible for initiating their withdrawal from a class; this does not happen automatically. Only students are responsible for requesting their withdrawal from a course. Prior to withdrawing from a course, it is recommended that students speak with the Financial Aid Office regarding how the withdraw may affect their finances. 

Traditional courses: Students can withdraw from a class by completing the Course Change Form found in myBay > Current Students > Forms, Docs, Policies or in Student Services. It is the student’s responsibility to accurately complete this form in its entirety and to obtain the required instructor’s signature to withdraw from their class. Failure to follow this procedure can result in the student receiving an “F” for the class.

Online Classes: Students must email the course instructor with their name, Bay College ID#, course name, course number and a request to “withdraw” from the course. The instructor will forward the email to registration@baycollege.edu including the status of “WP” or “WF” and the student’s last date of attendance. Failure to follow this procedure may result in the student receiving an “F” for the class. 

Withdrawal Appeal: Students seeking to withdraw after the official withdrawal period are required to request an appeal to the Registrar. The appeal does not guarantee a withdrawal.

WP/WF Appeal: Students seeking to appeal the assigned WP/WF are required to request an appeal to the Registrar. The appeal does not guarantee a change.

Military Deployment: There is no penalty due to withdrawal for military personnel who are deployed. Transcripts will be marked “Military Deployment.” Student Services will work with military students and veterans to assist them with completion of courses and degrees or certificates.

Withdrawal from College: It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from college by completing the Course Change Form and checking the “Withdraw from College” box as well as follow the withdrawal process for each course. The form is available in Student Services at both campuses.

Course Cancellation

There are times when classes listed in the schedule have to be cancelled. In the event a class is cancelled, the college will return tuition money paid by the student. Students are encouraged to work with an advisor to find an appropriate equivalent course.

Auditing a Class

Auditing a class allows a student to attend classes without the pressure of working towards a grade. Students may register to audit a class during the regular registration periods. Students pay full tuition for auditing. Financial Aid may not be used to pay tuition. Complete the Course Change Form and return it to Student Services for processing.

A credit class can be changed to an audit, but an audited class cannot be changed to a credit class. Changes can be made:

During the first four (4) weeks of a sixteen (16) week class.
During the first two (2) weeks of an eight (8) week class.
During the first week (1) of a six (6) week class.

Repeating a Course

A student may repeat any course that they have previously completed. However, the student must register for and pay tuition for the course. The original grade will remain on the transcript and a notation will be made that the course has been repeated. While the credit hours for the course will count both times for attempted hours, the credit hours earned for a repeated course count only once. The most recent grade will be recorded on the transcript and will replace the original grade in the calculation of the GPA. Grades of “W”, “WP”, “WF”, “NP”, “I”, or “AU” will not replace the previous grade. Students receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office to determine how repeating a course might affect their aid.

Student Classification and Enrollment Status

Classification is determined by the total credits earned toward a degree or certificate.

  Freshman 0-23 credits completed
  Sophomore 24+ credits completed

Enrollment status is determined by the total credits for which the student has registered.

  Full Time 12 or more semester credits
  Three-Quarter Time 9-11 semester credits
  Half Time 6-8 semester credits
  Less-than-half time 5 or less semester credit

Active military and veterans should contact Financial Aid regarding enrollment status and credit hour requirements for benefit payments.

Enrollment Verifications

Students who must obtain enrollment verification for insurance purposes, housing, student discounts, etc. can print a verification through the National Student Clearinghouse online at myBay > Current Students > Registrar > Verification > Clearinghouse. Select “Obtain an Enrollment Certificate” and print the document.

Students may also print In-School Deferment Forms through the Clearinghouse at myBay > Current Students > Registrar > Verification > Clearinghouse. This provides a direct link to the student’s lender for a form.


Grade Point Average (GPA)

For each grade a student receives, a certain number of honor points are earned. The higher the grade, the more honor points are earned. Honor points are used to calculate the grade point average (GPA).

Grade Honor Points/Credit   Grade Honor Points/Credit
A 4.0   IP - In Progress 0.0
A- 3.7   P - Pass 0.0
B+ 3.3   NP - No Pass 0.0
B 3.0   W - Withdrawal 0.0
B- 2.7   WP - Withdrawal Passing 0.0
C+ 2.3   WF - Withdrawal Failing 0.0
C 2.0   AP - Advanced Placement 0.0
C- 1.7   AS - Advanced Standing 0.0
D+ 1.3   AU - Audit 0.0
D 1.0   CL - CLEP 0.0
D- 0.7   NG - No Grade 0.0
F 0.0   PM - Prerequisite Met 0.0
I - Incomplete 0.0   TR - Transfer Credit 0.0

All courses, except those taken as an audit, are counted towards attempted credits. Only classes with grades of “D-” or above count toward completed credits. If a student repeats a course that was originally passed in order to improve a grade, the credits count toward attempted credits again but not toward completed credits. The ratio of completed to attempted credits is part of the determination of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

A student can compute their grade point average (GPA) by using the following example:

Classes Grade Course Credit Hours X Grade Honor Points = Course Honor Points
Rhetoric & Composition A- 4   3.7   14.8
American Government B 4   3.0   12.0
College Algebra C+ 4   2.3   9.2
Biology C 4   2.0   8.0

TOTALS   16       44.0

Divide the total honor points (44) by the total semester hours attempted (16). In this example, the GPA would be 2.75. The grades of “F” is included in calculating the GPA. Grades of “I” through “TR” (see chart) are recorded on the transcript but are not used for the calculation of the GPA. A student must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher to receive a degree or a certificate. Cumulative GPA’s are based on all grades earned throughout the student’s academic career. Credits and grades for Transitional Studies courses are calculated into the term GPA but not the cumulative GPA nor applied toward completion of a degree or certificate. However, those courses may be required to fulfill prerequisites for required courses.


Grade Reports

Grades are posted by Wednesday after the semester ends. Students may review their grades on their unofficial transcript in myBay. Bay College does not issue printed grade reports.

Pass/Fail Grades

The Pass/Fail grade is occasionally used in some Bay College courses. “P” grades are not used to calculate the student’s GPA; however, “F” grades are used to calculate the GPA.

Incomplete Grades

If a student is not able to complete course requirements within the established timeframe, the student may request an ‘Incomplete grade’ from the instructor. An “I” may be given only if:

  1. The student has completed at least 80% of the required class work, but is unable to complete the remaining class work and/or take the final examination because of extenuating circumstances such as major health issues, family crisis, etc.
  2. The student has done satisfactory work in the class. (Students who are failing cannot request an “I” in order to redo completed class work.)
  3. The instructor determines that the student can complete the required work without repeating the course.

If these conditions are met, the instructor must:

  1. Submit an Incomplete Grade Form. This form indicates actions the student will undertake to finish the required class work and the deadline for completing the work.
  2. Keep one copy, give one copy to the student, and submit a copy to the Records Office.
  3. Monitor student progress toward completion of class work.
  4. Submit a Change of Grade Form to the Records Office upon completion of work and recalculation of the course grade.

Students should not re-register for the course while finishing requirements for an “I” grade.

Instructors and students must set a reasonable time frame for completing class work and submitting a new grade. A Change of Grade is due to the Records Office according to these deadlines. If no change of grade is submitted, the “I” grade becomes an “F.” The instructor may request an extension of the deadline from the Registrar.

Term Deadline
Fall May 1
Winter December 1
Summer December 1

Change of Grade

If it is determined that there was an error in calculating a grade or an incorrect grade was assigned, a student may initiate the Change of Grade process by contacting the instructor. If verified, the instructor will submit a Change of Grade form to the Records Office. All requests for a change of grade must be made within three months of the posting of the final grade on the transcript.

The change of grade will be made on the transcript and GPA will be recalculated.

However, if the student believes that there was inaccuracy in evaluating the quality of work, and, therefore, an unacceptable grade was assigned, the student should follow the Academic Appeals Procedure.

Academic Forgiveness

Occasionally a student has failing grades that adversely affect their GPA, but those grades are in courses they do not need to complete a degree or certificate. If a student has failing grades in courses not needed for their degree or certificate, they may request that up to 12 credit hours of failing coursework be removed from the calculation of their GPA. The original grade remains on the transcript but a notation is made that the “F” has been removed from the calculation of the term and cumulative GPAs. The following regulations apply:

  1. The student must be currently enrolled.
  2. The student must submit a request for Academic Forgiveness to the Registrar. Only Bay College courses may be adjusted. The form is available in Student Services or online at myBay > Current Students > Forms, Docs, & Policies > Request for Academic Forgiveness.
  3. The request will not be processed unless the student has successfully completed at least 12 credits beyond the last semester for which the student is seeking academic forgiveness.
  4. The Registrar will respond, indicating whether academic forgiveness was granted.
  5. Upon granting of the academic forgiveness, the student’s transcript will be adjusted.
  6. All actions taken to remove credits and grades from the calculation of the GPA are final.

Students should consider that other colleges and universities may not honor this procedure.

Academic Appeals Procedure

Any matter of evaluation of student work, including the assignment of final course grades, merits the establishment of procedures for reconciliation of possible errors or disagreements. If a student believes that an instructor has awarded an inaccurate final grade, the student should follow this procedure within thirty (30) calendar days after the release of final grades:

  1. The student must contact the instructor and discuss the problem. If they can resolve the issue, no further action is needed. If the resolution changes the grade, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade Form to the Records Office.
  2. If the student and instructor cannot resolve the problem, the student should contact the Dean who supervises the instructor within ten (10) business days of that meeting. The students must provide written documentation of their appeal and include any evidence they have supporting their claim to the Dean prior to the meeting.
    1. The Dean will have a meeting with the student within ten (10) business days and confer with the instructor.
    2. Within ten (10) business days of this meeting, the Dean will make a decision and inform the student and instructor in writing. If the resolution changes the grade, the instructor must submit a Change of Grade Form to the Records Office. If the student or instructor disagrees with this decision, an appeal can be made before the Academic Appeals Committee.
  3. The student or instructor can appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee.
    1. Within ten (10) business days after receiving the decision from the Dean, the student or instructor must submit an appeal in writing to the Academic Affairs Office including all evidence supporting their claim.
    2. The Academic Affairs Office will call a hearing to be held before the Academic Appeals Committee within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the complaint. The committee shall include a member of administration appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs, two student representatives appointed by the Vice President of Student Services, and two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Association president.
      1. If an appointment made either by the Faculty Association president, or the Student Services leadership represents a possible conflict of interest, the Academic Affairs Office may request an alternate be appointed.
      2. The Administrative Appointee will chair the committee and vote in the case of a tie.
    3. The hearing shall be governed by the following rules of procedure:
      1. During the appeal hearing, the student and the faculty member may be accompanied by a support person of their own choosing, provided that the support person shall not be a licensed attorney. The support person is not allowed to participate in the process and is present to serve as an advisor to each party. Both parties shall have the right to hear and examine adverse witnesses and the right to testify and present evidence and witnesses on their own behalf.
      2. The steps in a formal grade appeal hearing shall be as follows:
        1. A presentation of the complaint by the student followed by questioning by the appeals committee.
        2. A presentation by the faculty member followed by questioning by the appeals committee.
        3. The student and faculty member shall have the opportunity to ask any questions of each other relevant to the appeal, beginning with the student.
        4. Any final questions by the appeals committee. 
      3. Both parties shall be given an opportunity of settlement before the committee deliberates and renders a decision.
      4. The committee will then deliberate in private and make a decision.
    4. Within ten (10) business days of the conclusion of the hearing, the Academic Affairs Office shall implement the recommendations of the Academic Appeals Committee and inform both parties in writing. The decision will be final. If the committee decides the reasons for appeal did affect the student’s grade and a change in the grade for the course should be made, the appeals committee shall attempt to reach a solution mutually agreeable to the student and the faculty member who assigned the grade. Should the acceptable solution involve a change of the final grade for the course, the faculty member will submit a Change of Grade Form to the Records Office. 

Academic Honors

Bay College seeks to award students for their academic achievements with the following honors awards.

Dean’s List: Honors are awarded at the end of the Fall and Winter semesters to students who earn at least 12 credit hours (excluding Transitional Studies courses, “P” grades, or “I” grades) and achieve a 3.5 or better GPA. Students who earn honors will receive a notification letter, their names will be part of the Dean’s List which is printed in local newspapers, and a notation will be added to the appropriate term on their transcript.

Graduate with Honors: Students who graduate with a 3.5 cumulative GPA will graduate with honors. A notation is made in the commencement program, on the transcript, and their names will be printed in the local newspaper. It will also be indicated on their diploma or certificate.

Phi Theta Kappa: Students who are members in good standing of Phi Theta Kappa at the time of graduation will receive a notation on their diploma or certificate and on their transcript.

Academic Standards


Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may result in academic penalty. Absence in no way relieves the student of the responsibility for completing all work in the class to the satisfaction of the instructor. Students should carefully review attendance policies in their syllabi.

Credit Hour Limit

The maximum number of credits students may take at one time is limited in order to assist their academic success. The limits are:

  Fall 19 credit hours
  Winter 19 credit hours
  Summer 1 or Summer 2 8 credit hours
  Summer 1 and Summer 2 combined 12 credit hours

If a student wants to exceed the maximum number of credits, this can be approved on an individual basis per Registrar’s approval.

Standards of Academic Progress

It is the policy of Bay College that students must make satisfactory academic progress toward completion of their degree or certificate. A 2.0 grade point average is required for graduation. Students are considered to be making satisfactory academic progress if, after completing at least 12 credit hours at Bay College, they maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.

Those students whose academic progress is declared unsatisfactory will be subject to academic probation or dismissal as outlined in these procedures. These Standards of Academic Progress are a minimum requirement for all students. Degrees or certificates may adopt more stringent standards for academic progress.

Standards of Academic Progress Procedures

  1. All Bay College students’ academic progress will be reviewed at the end of each Fall and Winter semester. In addition, students receiving Financial Aid awards from Bay College will be subject to the federally regulated Satisfactory Academic Progress guidelines monitored by the Financial Aid Office.
  2. Student progress which fails to meet the Standards of Academic Progress will be subject to the following action:
    1. Academic Warning
      1. The first time a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, they will receive notification that it is necessary to take intervention to improve their grades.
      2. A notation will be placed on their transcript and a warning will appear in myBay when the student registers for classes.
      3. Students are encouraged to work with their advisor to plan for improved performance.
    2. Academic Probation
      1. A student will be placed on academic probation if they fail to meet satisfactory academic progress for a third consecutive semester. They will receive notification of their status, a notation will be placed on their transcript, and a warning will appear in myBay when the student registers for classes. Students are encouraged to work with their advisor to plan for improved performance.
      2. A student is removed from academic probation once the cumulative GPA rises above 2.0.
      3. A student will continue on probation if their cumulative GPA remains below 2.0. A student placed on probation status has two semesters to raise the cumulative GPA to 2.0 or higher. If the minimum cumulative GPA is not met at the end of two semesters on probation, the student is subject to academic dismissal.
    3. Academic Dismissal
      1. A student on academic probation for two semesters who fails to raise the cumulative GPA to at least 2.0 will be subject to dismissal. The student will be notified of their options.
        1. COUNSELING - The student will meet with an advisor or Registrar to establish an academic support plan. Plans may include but are not limited to: restrictions in the number of credit hours allowed, required tutoring, and/or meetings with the advisor throughout the semester, repeating courses, or career exploration.
        2. DISMISSAL - The student is not allowed to enroll for classes at Bay College for one semester.
      2. Students selecting COUNSELING must follow the Academic Support Plan as written. If the student fails to satisfy the agreement, academic dismissal will result and the student must meet with the Registrar before re-entry will be considered. Students who are reinstated will be placed on academic probation.
      3. Students selecting DISMISSAL may be allowed to re-enroll at Bay College after a minimum of one semester of non-enrollment. The student must contact the Registrar for reinstatement. Students who are reinstated will be placed on academic probation.

Students who have been placed on academic probation or dismissal have the right to appeal their status if there are extenuating circumstances for not meeting the standards for academic progress. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Registrar within 15 days of receipt of notification of probation/suspension status. The Registrar will conduct a meeting of the Academic Suspension Appeals Committee to review the appeal. The committee will be comprised of the Vice President of Student Services, two faculty members, one student, the Registrar, and the Retention Program Manager. The student will be informed of the committee’s decision, which is final.

Transfer Credits

Transferring Credit from Bay College to Other Institutions

Students may send Bay College transcripts to other institutions and request transfer of credits to that school. No educational institution is obligated to accept Bay College credits. Students must follow transfer guidelines as established by other institutions. Bay College uses the Parchment Transcript system. Students and former students may request their official transcripts online through the college website.

Transferring Credit from Other Institutions to Bay College

A student may request that credits earned at another institution be sent to Bay College. The student must submit an official transcript to Bay College, which will be evaluated to determine which credits will transfer and which course requirements are fulfilled by those credits. Only courses with a grade of “C” or higher will be considered for transfer. Only credits earned at accredited institutions of higher learning (i.e., recognized by CHEA and the U.S. Department of Education) will be considered for transfer.

No credits will be transferred unless the student is officially enrolled at Bay College. Evaluated credits will be applied to the student’s Bay College transcript, but no Bay College transcript will be sent to another college unless the student completes credits at Bay College. Credits transfer, grades do not. Therefore, no transfer grades are recorded or calculated into the GPA. If a course has no equivalent at Bay, it may be used as an elective.

Transferring Credit from International Institutions to Bay College

Students who attend colleges outside of the United States or Canada must have their transcripts evaluated course-by-course by one of the following sources and request a copy of the evaluation be sent to the Admissions Office as part of their application process. The student is responsible to pay any fee incurred.

AACRAO International Education Services - http://www.aacrao.org/credential/index.htm
World Education Services (WES) - http://www.wes.org/
ECE International - http://www.eceinternational.com/education-evaluation.html

International students who have not attended an institution of higher learning must have their high school diploma/certificate verified by one of the agencies listed above. Direct any questions about the transcript evaluation to the Registrar’s Office.

Course Equivalencies

For course-by-course equivalencies within Michigan colleges or universities, the MACRAO website at www.mitransfer.org hosts the Michigan Transfer Network (MTN) which provides quick and easy data on how your Bay course(s) will transfer between Michigan institutions. For students transferring out of state, please contact your transfer institution to ensure that your Bay course(s) will transfer.

Advanced Placement Program

College course credit will be granted to students who participate in the Advanced Placement (AP) Program at their area high school and pass the Advanced Placement examinations with an appropriate score. Only those AP courses approved by Bay College faculty will transfer in as Bay College credit. Advanced Placement exam scores must be sent directly to the Registrar to be evaluated for transfer credit.

AP Exam Required Score Credit Awarded Bay College Course Equivalent
Biology 3 8 BIOL 110 - Evolution & Diversity  - AND
      BIOL 112 - Cells & Molecules  
Calculus AB 3 5 MATH 141 - Analytical Geometry & Calculus I  
Calculus BC 3 5 MATH 142 - Analytical Geometry & Calculus II  
Chemistry 3 10 CHEM 110 - General Chemistry I  &
      CHEM 112 - General Chemistry II  
English Language & Composition 3 3 ENGL 101 - Rhetoric & Composition  
Government & Politics (US) 3 3 POLI 111 - American Government  
Macroeconomics 3 3 ECON 131 - Macroeconomics  
Microeconomics 3 3 ECON 132 - Microeconomics  
Physics B 4 8 PHYS 201 - Elements of Physics I  &
      PHYS 202 - Elements of Physics II  
Physics C (Mechanics) 4 5 PHYS 205 - Engineering Physics I  
Physics C (Electricity & Magnetism) 4 5 PHYS 206 - Engineering Physics II  
Psychology 3 3 PSYC 201 - Introduction to Psychology  
Statistics 3 4 MATH 210 - Introduction to Statistics  
U.S. History 3 3 HIST 211 - United States History to 1865  
Comp Sci A 5 3 CSCI 121 - C++ Programming I  

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is administered by the College Board. CLEP enables those who have reached the college level of education to assess their level of academic achievement and to use the test results for college credit. Students must have official CLEP transcripts sent directly to Bay College for consideration of transfer. Bay College’s CLEP ID# is 1049.

Students planning to transfer to a university should consult that institution’s CLEP policies before taking CLEP tests. Some institutions, such as medical schools, do not accept CLEP credits for some subjects, such as biology and chemistry.

Students may not earn credit for CLEP subject examinations if the student has already earned credit in the course, was previously or currently enrolled in the course, or has credit in a higher level course in that subject. CLEP credit will not count toward the minimum 17 credits required to be taken at Bay College for degrees and certificates. CLEP credits receive no grades and are not calculated in the student’s GPA. Only the courses listed below will be considered for transfer and only if the final score is 50 or higher.

Test Bay Courses Credits Awarded
  Financial Accounting ACCT 101  & ACCT 102   8
  Information Systems & Computer Applications CIS 101   4
  Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 131    3
  Principles of Management BUSN 242   3
  Principles of Marketing BUSN 253   3
  Principles of Microeconomics ECON 132   3
  College Composition ENGL 101   3
Foreign Language    
  French Language 1 & 2 FREN 111  & FREN 112   6
  German Language 1 & 2 GRMN 101  & GRMN 102   6
  Spanish Language 1 & 2 SPAN 101  & SPAN 102   6
  Calculus MATH 141   5
  College Algebra MATH 110   4
  Pre-Calculus MATH 111   3
  Biology BIOL 110  & BIOL 112   8
  Chemistry CHEM 110  & CHEM 112   10
Social and Behavioral Science    
  American Government POLI 111   3
  United States History to 1865 HIST 211   3
  United States History from 1865 HIST 212   3
  Introduction to Psychology PSYC 201   3
  Introduction Sociology SOCY 151   3
  Western Civilization I HIST 101   3
  Western Civilization II HIST 102   3

Military Training Credit

All veterans having a certified DD Form 214 on file in the Admissions Office will automatically be given credit for two semester hours of physical education. Veterans who feel that other training received in the military is applicable to their program of study may request that such training be evaluated for credit. The veteran must produce proper documentation that will be evaluated by the Transfer Advisor based on the American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations. For more information, visit their web site at www.acenet.edu. Veterans planning to transfer from Bay College to another institution should be aware that the institution may not accept the credit for military training given by Bay College, but will usually wish to re-evaluate the training documentation.

Credit by Examination

Credit by departmental examination is available for a select number of courses for currently admitted students whose experiences have provided them with advanced levels of skill, usually in the vocational or technical areas. Upon passing the exam with a grade of “C” or better, the grade will be posted to the student’s transcript. Department examination is not intended for students who are currently enrolled in the course, have dropped the class, have transfer credit for the course, or have a previous grade for the course. Departmental credit by examination is not intended to replace independent study and may not be suitable for students planning to transfer to a college or university. Students are not permitted to take an examination in any course where credit has already been earned in a more advanced course. Students seeking credit by examination should consult with the appropriate faculty. See the Registrar for information on fees and to begin the process of requesting credits by examination.


Degree Completion

Students must meet the following requirements in order to be considered for graduation:

  1. Complete all degree or certificate requirements as presented in their Catalog of Record. 
  2. Attain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  3. Complete the residency requirement of a minimum of 17 credit hours at Bay College for any degree or 16 credits for a certificate.
  4. Students who wish to complete a second degree must complete 15 additional credit hours beyond the first degree requirements as well as the degree requirements for the second degree.
  5. Students who have completed a degree and wish to complete a certificate need only complete the remaining course requirements for the certificate.
  6. Students who wish to complete more than one major may declare an additional major.

Application for Graduation

One calendar year before students anticipate degree completion, the student should complete an Application for Graduation. An official degree audit of the student’s transcript, including all completed and in-progress courses, will be performed. Students will be informed in writing if all requirements have been met for graduation or if there are additional courses that must be completed. If the student changes their registration after the audit is completed, the audit is considered nullified. A new audit may be requested. Applications are available in Student Services at both campuses and on myBay.  

The Registrar may automatically provide completion information for students who are close to receiving their intended degree, but have not yet applied for graduation. If those students do not wish to graduate with that particular degree, those students must contact the Registrar to opt-out of graduation. The written communication provided to those students gives specific information. Questions regarding this process can be directed to the Registrar.

Applications must be submitted by March 1. There is no guarantee that applications received after March 1 will be processed in time for the student to be included in Commencement. Degrees are conferred at the end of Fall, Winter and Summer. Applications submitted after the end of a term may be considered for the next conferral date.

Course Substitution

Occasionally the student will have difficulty completing all required courses due to circumstances beyond their control. If the student’s faculty advisor deems it necessary to substitute a course, the faculty advisor must complete the Course Substitution form and submit it to the Dean for approval. The signed authorization is then submitted to the Registrar for approval and application to the final degree audit. If a student receives a substitution and has not yet applied for graduation, the student will enter the graduation process automatically.

Reverse Transfer of Credit for Degree Completion

Students leaving Bay College prior to earning a degree or certificate may transfer credit back to Bay College from another college or university to fulfill degree or certificate requirements. Courses/credits which will apply for reverse transfer credit should be identified by the Registrar prior to a student leaving Bay College.

Students who elect to reverse transfer credits must complete the following:

  1. Before leaving Bay College complete an Application for Graduation Form, indicating completion via Reverse Transfer. When the audit is completed, the student will receive a list of requirements they must meet to earn their degree or certificate from Bay College. 
  2. After successfully completing the determined course(s) with a grade of C or higher, the student must request an official transcript be sent to Bay College. It is the responsibility of the student to inform Bay College that a transcript has been sent for the purpose of fulfilling their program requirements through Reverse Transfer.
  3. Once transcripts have been evaluated and requirements applied for completion of the degree, Bay College will notify the student when degree requirements have been met. The degree will be conferred and a diploma or certificate sent to the student.

Commencement and Diplomas

The Commencement ceremony is held once each year, on the Saturday following final exams for Winter semester in May. Participation in the Commencement Ceremony is strongly encouraged but not required. Student Services will issue information and instructions regarding commencement activities. Students who wish to participate in the Commencement Ceremony must submit their application for graduation no later than March 1. Diplomas and certificates are prepared and mailed to graduates after the completion of all degree or certificate requirements are verified. Diplomas and certificates will be mailed to the address on file.

Degree Verifications

The National Student Clearinghouse is our authorized agent for providing degree verifications. If you need a verification, please sign-in to myBay, click on ‘Current Students’. Go to Registrar > Verification > Clearinghouse - then click to continue.


Transcripts are official documents that indicate all courses for which the student has completed and all grades earned. Occasionally other information is also posted, such as degrees awarded, honors earned, etc. A student who has been enrolled in at least one course within the last year may print an unofficial copy of their transcript through myBay. A student who wants an official transcript sent to a designated recipient must order through https://www.baycollege.edu/student-life/transcripts.php. Bay College has authorized Parchment to manage the ordering, processing and secure delivery of your official transcripts. There will be a nominal fee associated with this service.

Transcripts will not be issued to students who have not met all financial obligations to Bay College.

Student Records

Every effort is taken to maintain the accuracy and confidentiality of student records. The Registrar has oversight of every student’s permanent academic record.


Bay College complies with the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which provides that institutions maintain the confidentiality of students’ educational records. Students have the right to examine and review information contained in their educational records and to challenge the content through the formal and informal guidelines established. Bay College has adopted a policy which explains in detail the procedures followed for compliance with provisions of the Act. Students may request to see their educational records being held by the College and petition the Registrar to have records corrected if they believe the record to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights.

To maintain the privacy of student educational records, Bay College releases to school officials only that information that is needed for College personnel to perform their duties. Bay College also uses student educational records to file required reports with government agencies. Occasionally this requires using student social security numbers and wage record information for the WIA (Workforce Investment Act) and the Carl D. Perkins & Technical Education Act. Great care is taken to preserve the integrity of these records and to use only the minimum required information. Students have the right to refuse to permit the inclusion of their SSN in these specific reports. More details are available from the Registrar’s Office.

Directory Information

FERPA allows disclosure of directory information to appropriate persons. Such information is disclosed with caution and in a manner that protects our students. Directory information is information that is not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The following information is considered directory information and may be disclosed upon request and without prior consent of the student in question:

E-mail address
Telephone listing (campus, home, emergency, and cell)
Date and place of birth
Candid photos from around campus
Official photos for ID cards
Major Participation in officially recognized activities
Enrollment status (full-time, part-time, classification) and Course Load
Dates of attendance and graduation
Degrees and awards received
Most recent previous school attended (for transfer students)
Sports photographs
Position, weight, and height of athletes

Directory information does not include student identification numbers, social security numbers, or any other personally identifiable information.

Students may prohibit disclosure of directory information by filling out the Non-Disclosure Form which is available in the Registrar’s Office. Questions concerning general disclosure of information should be addressed to the Registrar. Students may designate individuals who they want to have access to the information in their educational records by completing the appropriate form in the Records Office. The U.S. federal government reserves the right to disclose student’s personally identifiable information (PII) to third parties who are contracted to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program, or who are doing research.

If a student believes their educational record is in error or that their rights have been violated, they may petition the Registrar to correct the records. Students may also file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education by writing to:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20202-5901

Retention and Graduation Rates

In compliance with the Student Right to Know Act, Bay College tracks retention and graduation rates. This information is available on the Bay College website at www.baycollege.edu.