1040 Safety & Security Policy
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It shall be the policy of the Board of Trustees of Bay de Noc Community College to provide a safe and secure environment for all students, employees, and visitors and to protect college equipment and property. The College shall abide by and enforce all safety and health regulations as set forth by federal, state, and local governments. Employees shall comply with all safety and health requirements whether established by administration or by federal, state, or local law.
The College will cooperate with local and regional departments of public safety for campus safety and security.
The College will seek to continuously improve safety and security procedures and will provide adequate training for employees and students.
All students, employees, and visitors are to promptly and accurately report criminal incidents, accidents, unsafe workplaces, and other emergencies.
1040.1 Weapons
Except as allowed by Federal and State law, students, employees and guests are prohibited from possessing, using, discharging and/or carrying weapons in any setting that is under the control or supervision of the College, including, but not limited to, property leased, owned, or contracted for by the College, a College sponsored event, or a College owned vehicle. This prohibition does not apply to officers duly sworn to and in good standing with public law enforcement agencies. Any student or employee in violation of this policy will be subject to discipline, up to, and including expulsion and/or termination as may be applicable depending on the circumstances. Any guest in violation of this policy shall be subject to ejection as a trespasser. Weapons: are defined as any instruments or implements which are capable of inflicting bodily injury, and shall include but not be limited to the following: - Any gun, rifle, firearm, BB gun, pellet gun, or other device (including starter gun) which is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by any means.
- Any bomb, grenade, rocket or other destructive device which includes explosives, incendiaries or poison gas.
- Any knife with a blade longer than three inches, razor, or other cutting instrument.
- Any striking instrument, to include clubs, iron bar, brass knuckles, blackjack or bludgeon (excluding Athletic Department equipment-i.e., baseball bats).
- Any Martial Arts weapons, to include nunchakus, tonfas, staffs, and throwing stars.
- Any bow and arrow combination.
- Fireworks
- Any portable device or weapon from which an electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam may be directed, which current, impulse, wave, or beam is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill.
Firearm: means a weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by an explosive, or by gas or air. Firearm does not include a smooth bore rifle or handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling by a spring, or by gas or air, BBs not exceeding .177 caliber. Minor: means any individual of less than 18 years of age. Pistol: means a firearm, loaded or unloaded, 26 inches or less in length, or any firearm, loaded or unloaded, that by its construction and appearance conceals it as a firearm. A self-defense spray or foam device are not considered weapons subject to this procedure. Self-defense spray or foam device: means a device to which all of the following apply: (a) The device is capable of carrying, and ejects, releases, or emits 1 of the following: (i) Not more than 35 grams of any combination of orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile and inert ingredients; (ii) A solution containing not more than 10% oleoresin capsicum; (b) The device does not eject, release, or emit any gas or substance that will temporarily or permanently disable, incapacitate, injure, or harm a person with whom the gas or substance comes in contact, other than the substance described in (a). 1040.2 Campus Security Authorities (CSAs)
- The Campus Security & Clery Compliance Officer or designee shall inform the campus community of those personnel who serve as CSAs.
- Bay College does not have campus police; however, crimes and emergencies should be reported to 911 and a designated CSA to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics.
- In the event a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of the CSA, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus wide timely warning or emergency notification may be issued through the College’s emergency notification system. Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to a CSA.
- The following positions are designated as campus security authorities (CSA).
Main Campus (Escanaba, Michigan) | | 906-786-5802 | | Vice President of Student Services | 906-217-4116 | SC 519 | Director of Student Life | 906-217-4031 | SC 512 | Director of Human Resources | 906-217-4036 | SC 523B | Resident Assistants in Apartments | varies by term | | Faculty who advise student groups | varies by term | | Manager of Facilities | 906-217-4080 | MAINT 1105A | Director of Accessibility | 906-217-4017 | HUB 811 | Business Development Manager | 906-217-4224 | JHUC 945 | West Campus (Iron Mountain, Michigan) | | 906-302-3000 | | BCW Director of Student Services | 906-302-3006 | WC 203 | Building Maintenance Manager | 906-302-3022 | WC 241 | Dean of Bay College West | 906-302-3012 | WC 219 | Faculty who advise student groups | varies by term | | - The victim of a crime who declines to pursue action within the College reporting system or the criminal justice system may want to consider making a confidential report. Anyone, including a CSA, can file a report on the details of an incident without revealing the victim’s identity. The purpose of a confidential report is to comply with the victim’s wish to keep the matter confidential, while taking steps to ensure the future safety of the victim and others.
1040.3 Timely Warning or Emergency Notification
- Depending on the particular circumstances of a crime, especially in all situations that could pose an immediate threat to the community, the College will send a mass notification. The College may also post an electronic notice on the College web site at (http://www.baycollege.edu) and notify local media, providing the campus community with more immediate notification. In such instances, a copy of the notice is distributed to each campus student apartment.
- Personal email and cell phone information provided at the time of employment or academic enrollment will be used in the event of an emergency. All employees and students will automatically be enrolled in the College’s emergency notification system(s).
1040.4 Security Training and Emergency Response
- The College shall have an Emergency Response Team, led by the Campus Security & Clery Compliance Officer, and shall develop and maintain the College’s Emergency Response Guide.
- Members of the emergency response team shall receive, at minimum, annual training.
- The emergency response team shall periodically conduct a test of its emergency response system.
- All employees will receive information and/or security training annually. In addition, institutional training provided to employees will be practiced by employees. Instructors will conduct a per term per class lockdown or shelter in place scenario with their students, and leaders in non-academic areas will conduct a per term lockdown or shelter in place scenario with their staff. These practice scenarios will be scheduled by the instructors and/or department leaders at their discretion and should not require alarms or distress others.
1040.5 Access Control
- Employees may be issued keys for access to offices, labs, classrooms, etc. Employees may be issued keys to buildings. Keys are issued by the Operations department. Lost or stolen keys will be replaced at the employees’ expense. Employees cannot transfer keys, keys must be turned in when no longer needed.
Security Level | Replacement | Low Level (office, storage, etc.) | $25.00 | Medium Level (lab, classroom, study areas, etc.) | $50.00 | High Level (building key, secure storage, etc.) | $250.00 | Maximum Level (all buildings, mechanical rooms, data center, etc.) | $500.00 | Apartment | $25.00 | - The College will maintain normal operating hours, during which buildings, classrooms, and open-access areas will be accessible to students, employees, and visitors. Key inventory will be maintained by the Operations department. Key issuance and returns will be handled by:
Type of Issuance | Responsible Department | Employees (FT,PT,Temp) | Operations Department | Student Employees | Operations Department | Lease Holders | Operations Department | Apartments | Director of Student Life | Physical Plant | Operations Department | Contractors | Operations Department | - College buildings shall be locked during non-business hours and access shall be restricted to those individuals with a need to have after-hours access. All requests for after-hours access will be sent to accesscontrol@baycollege.edu. Employees requiring after-hours access will complete a Campus Access Agreement form, available on myBay under the Employees tab. The form must be approved by their supervisor. Building access requires a building security code and building key, or digital access for buildings equipped with digital door locks. Codes are programmed and issued by the Operations Department. Employees with building access will receive training on how to arm and disarm the alarm systems.
- Key and alarm assignments will be recorded in the College’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.
- All students and employees will be issued a Bay College ID card. This card may be used for access to buildings equipped with digital locks. This card may serve as a photo ID if no other identification is available.
1040.6 Safety on Campus
- All persons shall identify themselves when asked to do so by Bay College representatives while on any property or in any building owned or controlled by the College. A person identifies themselves by giving their name and complete address, substantiated by a current driver’s license, voter registration card or other official documentation; and stating truthfully whether they are a student, an employee of the College, or a campus visitor/guest.
- College students, employees, and visitors will comply with all required safety procedures and training. All college employees, students, and visitors are expected to use good safety and health practices as dictated by job, location, and circumstances.
- College employees working in or around moving or electrically hazardous equipment should not wear loose fitting clothing, necklaces, watches, rings, bracelets, scarves, or any other type of clothing or jewelry that could become entangled in or catch on such equipment or cause electrical shock.
- College students, employees, and visitors will comply with the use of safety equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE), standard operating procedures for the use of chemicals, and understanding Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
- All employees working with equipment will follow the procedures in policy 603 Lockout Procedures Policy.
- All employees are required to wear industrial safety glasses when involved in work, which could cause an eye injury. The industrial safety glasses must be worn whenever an employee is:
- In the College garages.
- Welding, hammering, sawing, cutting, digging, or handling materials or chemicals.
- In close proximity to the above listed activities.
- Whenever the job duties involve a danger of eye injury.
- Instructors shall wear safety glasses and are responsible for making sure students and visitors wear safety glasses when eye hazard exists in shops and labs. The College will provide safety glasses for all employees and visitors. In the event a full-time employee needs prescription safety glasses, the College will provide $300 toward the purchase of same. This $300 payment will not be paid more than once every four years.
- The Operations department shall conduct periodic surveys of the campus facilities and grounds to identify security issues such as landscaping, locks, alarms, lighting, and communications.
- Nothing can block hallways, walkways, or exits. Three (3) feet of clear access must be maintained by fire exits and electrical panels.
- Assistance should be elicited when lifting or lowering items that are heavy or on high shelves.
- No more than one filing drawer at a time can be open.
- Equipment that could become hazardous if accidentally turned on should be unplugged when not in use.
- Combustible items are prohibited in offices, apartments, classrooms, and common areas with the exception of academic areas for which combustibles are an integral part of the program or appropriate chemical storage facilities. Combustibles can include burning candles, oil lamps, incense, live Christmas trees, fireworks, gasoline, or any other flammable or harmful chemicals.
- Tampering with fire safety equipment, including smoke detectors, is prohibited.
1040.7 Vehicles on Campus (motorized and non-motorized)
- Driving on campus sidewalks is strictly prohibited with the exception of Facilities personnel for the purposes of unloading/loading, clearing snow/ice, and emergency situations. Construction vehicles and vendor deliveries require prior notification and permission.
- Off-road vehicles (ORVs) are prohibited on campus.
- Self-balancing scooters (hover boards), battery operated (electric) stand-up scooters, and hands-free Segways are prohibited on campus. Sit-down battery operated (electric) scooters are allowed for reasons of accommodations.
- Bicycles and other non-motorized wheeled transportation (e.g., skateboards, inline skates, roller skates, and unicycles) are allowed on campus, and commuting by bicycle is encouraged. The following safety rules apply to these non-motorized wheeled transportation devices:
Outdoors (outside of buildings) | Indoors (Inside of buildings) | Wheeled transportation must operate at a speed that is prudent and reasonable for existing conditions. Anyone using a form of wheeled transportation must yield the right of way to pedestrians. The College provides bike racks for locking bicycles and unicycles, but is not responsible for damage or theft. | Indoor use of non-motorized wheeled transportation is prohibited. | 1040.8 Reporting and Record Retention
- Employee and non-employee accidents must be reported. Employees and visitors can report online or in person, at the Human Resources office in the Student Center building (SC-500), room 523. Online reporting is available on the College website (baycollege.edu). The direct link is https://www.baycollege.edu/student-life/health-safety/reporting.php.
- The College will comply with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, also known as the Clery Act.
- The Campus Security & Clery Compliance Officer shall be responsible for College compliance, which encompasses 1) policy disclosure, 2) records collection and retention, and 3) information dissemination.
- The Operations department shall serve as the records collection and retention office for Clery Act crimes and reportable offenses.
- Reportable crimes include murder, non-negligent and negligent manslaughter, sex crimes, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, drug and narcotic violations, alcohol violations, weapons violations, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and hate crimes that occur on campus, in a non-campus building or property, or on public property within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
- Reportable offenses include arrests and referrals for disciplinary action that occur on campus, in a non-campus building or property, or on public property within the campus or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
- The Office of Student Life, Human Resources department, and Operations department, shall promote campus safety and raise security awareness by distributing materials and hosting events for students and employees throughout the academic year.
- The Campus Security & Clery Compliance Officer or designee shall prepare the Annual Security Report (ASR) in cooperation with the local law enforcement agency serving the respective campus. In addition, Student Services and staff at Bay College West Campus will provide updated information on their educational efforts and programs to comply with the Act.
- The campus crime, arrest, and referral statistics section of the Annual Security Report (ASR) shall include those reported to designated campus officials and local law enforcement agencies. Notice of the report’s availability shall be made annually via an email notification to all enrolled students and current employees. Notice of the report’s availability shall also be provided to prospective students and employees.
- Registered Sex Offenders
In accordance with Federal law, Bay College provides a link on the College’s website to the Michigan Public Sex Offender Registry (http://www.mipsor.state.mi.us/). The purpose of the link is to advise the campus community where law enforcement information provided by the State of Michigan concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. The link can be accessed from the Student Life, Health & Safety/Reporting pages. Specifically, it can be found at https://www.baycollege.edu/student-life/health-safety/reporting.php. In the State of Michigan, convicted sex offenders must register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry maintained by the State Police. The Sex Offenders Registration Act, MCL 28.721 et seq., directs the Michigan State Police to develop and maintain a public registry and provides guidelines on the type of offender information available to the public. The registration requirements of the Sex Offenders Registration Act are intended to provide the people of this State with an appropriate, comprehensive, and effective means to monitor those persons who pose a potential danger. In accordance with the Wetterling Act, Megan’s Law, and the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000, it is now mandatory that all registered sex offenders report to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction in which the institution of higher learning is located. Registered sex offenders who are members of the College community, upon enrollment at the College and/or anytime thereafter while they remain a student at the College, are obligated to notify the Vice President of Student Services that they have registered at Bay College and are required to register with the Michigan Public Sex Offenders Registry. Failure to notify the College is deemed to be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and subjects those students to all available College Judicial Processes and Sanctions. - Safety and Security procedures and compliance reports reside in the Operations department.
- All safety & security records follow the state approved Records Retention schedule of the College.
Approval Dates:
Policy Origin Date: 09/13/1978 Policy Revision Dates: 04/21/2004 03/18/2009 Procedure Origin Date: 04/21/2004 Procedure Revision Dates: 02/20/2008 10/21/2015 06/21/2017 05/16/2018 07/15/2020 06/15/2021 12/14/2021 06/22/2022 |
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